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Improving our Home

Progress on the renovation of our sanctuary is coming along great. 

The stunning painting of the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe has been placed. More work will be done.


Parish History

The Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe was founded in 1906 in the Bensonhurst area of Brooklyn.

A simple frame structure with steeple was erected on 15th Avenue facing 73rd Street. In 1908, a larger church was built on the same site, and contained an impressive altar, statuary and ornate Stations of the Cross.


Within a few years the church complex grew to include a rectory, convent and two school buildings. In 1933, the church building was completely destroyed by fire.


A new church was designed in a neo-Italianate style and built on the same location. In 1973, a fire devastated the interior of the 1930s building, destroying or damaging many of its furnishings and windows.


The church was soon rebuilt within the old walls, and included new stained glass windows and a new pipe organ.


Meet The Clergy


Robert J. Romano



Rev. Peter Nguyen

Parochial Vicar


Rev. Prince Horsu​​

Parochial Vicar


Rev. Martin Restrepo

In Residence

Italian Apostolate:
Most Rev. Nicolas DiMarzio
Deacon Edgar Saucedo
Summer Assistant:
Fr. Christian Adu

Director of Operations/ Faith Formation
Marina Cassiliano
Office Hours: By Appointment Only 
Summer Camp Director:
Catherina Cassiliano
Music Ministry
Phil Nuzzo, Director of Music Ministry

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